If you change your mind, you have 14 calendar days from delivery. If the 14 days have passed since you received your eBike we cannot offer a refund or exchange.
If you receive a different product to what you ordered please contact us within this 14-day window.
To be eligible for a return, your order must be unused and in the same condition in which you received it. This includes the original packaging (internal and external) and assembly state.
If the item is returned damaged, used or not in the original packaging we reserve the right to not offer a full refund.
We will only refund to the account we recieved payment from. To ensure this, we require proof of purchase along with your refund form.
We may offer partial refunds upon prior agreement. If an item is returned outside the 14-day return window or the item is not in the original condition. Please contact us at support@bonc.bike to agree on this before sending any items back.
Sale items are not eligible for refunds. This includes any flash sales as well as intermittent annual sales such as boxing day etc.
An exchange will be arranged if the received goods are defective or damaged. The exchange will only be applicable for the same item as initially purchased and is dependent on availability. Please contact us at support@bonc.bike for more information.
Unless your return is due to received damaged, defective or incorrect goods, you are responsible for the cost of return shipping. If you require a new bike box please contact support@bonc.bike for a box.
The bike must be shipped back in the original box. If you have discarded your box you can purchase a new one for £30 by sending an email to support@bonc.bike
When shipping an item of value, you should ship using a trackable shipping service with insurance. We do not guarantee a refund or exchange on any item not received or received damaged.